Dr Ruth Hitchcock is a chiropractor practicing in Collingwood, Ontario.
Dr. Ruth operates out of Bayside Wellness, 101 Pretty River Parkway, Unit #6
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She received her Honours Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Waterloo, where she
majored in Physiology and Biomechanics. She completed her four year Doctor of Chiropractic
degree in 1990 at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto.
Dr. Hitchcock focuses on taking care of people – young and old. Her goal is to help you restore your health so you can live your life to your fullest potential.
Dr. Hitchcock is very active in her chiropractic community. She is President of the Simcoe Chiropractic Society, a peer assessor for the College of Chiropractor of Ontario. She has done a volunteer mission chiropractic trip to Panama. She is currently in the process of organizing a marathon race in her community to help raise money for natural health care.
Dr. Hitchcock is also very involved in the community with her children. In their spare time as a family they enjoy downhill and cross country skiing, cycling and hiking on the many trails in her community, sailing and camping. Ruth is also a runner and leads learn to run and 10 km running clinics, as well as competing in running races. She volunteers her time in the community on school council, coaching soccer, and other activities to support her children.
Dr. Ruth Hitchcock is dedicated to helping people liver healthier and more active lives through chiropractic care.
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